Write Take info To Text File
Write out take information to a .txt file using MotionBuilder Python...
Using MotionBuilder Python To Offset All Animations Within A Scene
Here is a quick script that will allow you to shift/offset all animation keys within a scene. Previously I would do this via story mode or use another technique that would skip over props and/or constraints. This script should shift everything within the scene that is animated. The script...
MotionBuilder Python – Mirror Character Animation Through Story Mode
A quick script that will mirror animations via Story Mode....
MotionBuilder Python -Choose Interaction Mode Tool
A quick script that allows the user to change Motionbuilder's Interaction Mode with a single click...
MotionBuilder Switch To Camera Tool
A tool to help you quickly jump between all the cameras within you MotionBuilder scene....
Using MotionBuilder Python To Cast Real-Time Shadows
Using Python To Quickly Add A Real Time Shadow To Your MotionBuilder Scene....
Save All Story Clips To New Takes with MotionBuilder Python Script
UPDATED: A quick update that will now allow the script to maintain all of the original tracks within the story. The story will look exactly as it was pre-processing. Thanks Simon Kay Below is a script that I wrote, It goes through all you Story tracks and clips and...
MotionBuilder Python – A Better Way To Create Constraints
Update Thanks to kilianeczka for the heads up, there is even an EASIER easy way to create a constraint using MotionBuilder and Python This omits the need to find the number of constraints and then search all the constraints for one that has the name ‘Parent/Child’. In my previous post about constraint...
Pivot Tool v1 – MotionBuilder Python
Updated: Pivot Tool now supports MotionBuilder 2018! 🙂 and in the post below under “Versions”. 2018 version can be found here and in the post below under “Versions”. Versions: PivotTool v1.0 for MotionBuilder 2018 PivotTool v1.0 for MotionBuilder 2015 Here is a tool that will help you quickly...
Using Your Currently Selected Character To Generate A List Of All FK And IK Models With MotionBuilder Python
Here is a quick post that will help use your currently selected character to generate lists of all FK and IK models. When ever possible I like to use these funcitons as opposed to generating the list by hand and storing that as a variable. I can’t remember where...