Month: March 2018

Copying .fbx Files With Python

  When dealing with a lot of .fbx files we some times have to move them or back them up. Maybe a mocap shot was delivered and you want to move them off a network and on to your local drive to process or maybe it’s the end of...

Returning A Specific Word From MotionBuilder’s Python Dir()

I’m not sure why I did not think of this before, here is a little function that will search a user specified module using dir(), but it will also search the components and only return the ones that match the user’s specified filtered word. Let me explain with an...

Move a Character in MotionBuilder to the World’s Center with Python

‎With a dozen takes in my Motionbuilder scene and my Character placed at different locations on each take, I decided Python would help me move my Character to the World’s Center. With raw Mocap data your Character’s Wold Position is all based on the Actors position within the volume...

Running a Python Script On Every MotionBuilder File Within A Directory

It’s been awhile since I have posted, We are approaching launch of my next game tittle and now that I have a free moment I thought I would demonstrate how to run a python script on multiple “.fbx” files. All the “.fbx” files for this demo will exist within...