Stop Foot Sliding With MotionBuilder and Python
June 20 2022 –
It’s been a while since I have checked the blog. 🙁 Back in January someone posted a comment asking if i ever updated this script/tool to work with newer MotionBuilders. I have now, sorry for the wait.
The fix was a quick change, Motionbuilder changed ‘FBModelTransformationMatrix’ to ‘FBModelTransformationType’ years ago, I think I originally developed this tool on the last version of Mobu to support ‘FBModelTransformationMatrix’. Again, sorry for the late reply.
Oct. 29 2018 –
For the script to work in MotionBuilder 2018 I had to make a slight change. You can down load a new version of StopFootSliding here, I also made the changes to the script below in the original post.
The only difference between to last release and this one is that I removed an FBContainer, which was just a visual element and had no functional baring on the tool. The attribute FBContainer is no longer supported in MotionBuilder 2018, The new version is FBVisualContainer().
StopFootSliding v1.0 was giving this error in MotionBuilder 2018:
“cInfo = fb.FBContainer() AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘FBContainer'”.
Thanks Andy.HH for bringing this to my attention.
After exploring FBVector3d() and creating the Animated Align post, I started to think “Hey, why not use that same process and stop a foot from sliding!”. Using a reference frame we can grab the translation and rotation of an object and then over a range of time have that object match it referenced translations. I decided to work with layers when preventing foot sliding as to not destroy the original data.
Here is a quick demo of the tool (sorry for the poor audio).
You can down load the “StopFoorSliding” tool here.
Here is the script with my notes:
import pyfbsdk as fb
import pyfbsdk_additions as fba
def GetCurrentFrame():
Frame = fb.FBSystem().LocalTime.GetFrame()
return Frame
def GotoFrame(time):
t = fb.FBTime(0, 0, 0, time, 0)
##Check For Conflicts In User's Desired Frame Ranges
def FrameCheck():
##Does Blend In Conflict With Start Frame
if nBlendIn.Value > nStart.Value:
fb.FBMessageBox( "Frame Input Error", "Blend In Frame Is Higher Than The Start Frame", "OK" )
return False
##Does Start Frame Conflict Wtih End Frame
if nEnd.Value < nStart.Value:
fb.FBMessageBox( "Frame Input Error", "End Frame Is Lower Than The Start Frame", "OK" )
return False
##Does Blend Out Frame Conflict With End Frame
if nBlendOut.Value < nEnd.Value:
fb.FBMessageBox( "Frame Input Error", "Blend Out Frame Is Lower Than The End Frame", "OK" )
return False
return True
##Get Selected Object
def GetSelObj():
ModelList = fb.FBModelList()
fb.FBGetSelectedModels(ModelList, None, True, True)
if len(ModelList) == 1:
for Model in ModelList:
SelObjName = Model.LongName
return SelObjName
fb.FBMessageBox( "Object Select Error", "Please Selecte An Object", "OK" )
##Get Layer Count
def GetLayerCount():
return fb.FBSystem().CurrentTake.GetLayerCount()
##Zero The Translation and Rotation Of The Selected Object
def ZeroTRTransforms(YourObject):
YourObject.Translation = fb.FBVector3d()
YourObject.Rotation = fb.FBVector3d()
##Create The Layer We Will Work On
def CreateLayer():
SelObj = GetSelObj()#.rsplit(':', 2)[2]
##Set the new layer as the current one (Keys will be added to that layer)
lCount = fb.FBSystem().CurrentTake.GetLayerCount()
##Name the Layer to be "Selected Object Name: Start Frame to End Frame" (ie. LeftHeelPivot: 100-150)
fb.FBSystem().CurrentTake.GetLayer(lCount-1).Name = SelObj + " " + str( int(nStart.Value) ) + "-" + str( int(nEnd.Value) )
##Enure That Blend In, Ref Pose and Blend Out Translation And Roation Are Preserved
def PreserveFrames():
##Create A List Of Frame That We Want ZeroKeys To Be Set On
ZeroFrames = ( int(nBlendIn.Value), int(nRef.Value), int(nBlendOut.Value) )
##Get Selected Object
YourObject = GetSelObj()
for FrameNumber in ZeroFrames:
##For Each Frame Between The Defind Start Frame And End Frame We Will Create A Key
##And Match The Translation And Rotation To That Of The Values On The RefPose Frame
def MatchRefPose():
GotoFrame( int(nRef.Value) )
MyObject = GetSelObj()
RefObjTrans = fb.FBVector3d()
RefObjRot = fb.FBVector3d()
fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).GetVector (RefObjTrans, fb.FBModelTransformationType.kModelTranslation, False)
fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).GetVector (RefObjRot, fb.FBModelTransformationType.kModelRotation, False)
GotoFrame( int(nStart.Value) )
lval = ( int(nEnd.Value) - int(nStart.Value) )
lprogsum = 1
lpercent = (100.0/lval)
for time in range ( int(nStart.Value), int(nEnd.Value) ):
if time == int(nRef.Value):
if bTR.State == 1:
fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).Translation = RefObjTrans
fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).Rotation = RefObjRot
if bTrans.State == 1:
if bTX.State == 1:
lTX = RefObjTrans[0]
if bTX.State != 1:
lTX = fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).Translation[0]
if bTY.State == 1:
lTY = RefObjTrans[1]
if bTY.State != 1:
lTY = fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).Translation[1]
if bTZ.State == 1:
lTZ = RefObjTrans[2]
if bTZ.State != 1:
lTZ = fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).Translation[2]
fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).Translation = fb.FBVector3d(lTX, lTY, lTZ)
if bRot.State == 1:
if bRX.State == 1:
lRX = RefObjRot[0]
if bRX.State != 1:
lRX = fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).Rotation[0]
if bRY.State == 1:
lRY = RefObjRot[1]
if bRY.State != 1:
lRY = fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).Rotation[1]
if bRZ.State == 1:
lRZ = RefObjRot[2]
if bRZ.State != 1:
lRZ = fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).Rotation[2]
fb.FBFindModelByLabelName(MyObject).Rotation = fb.FBVector3d(lRX, lRY, lRZ)
##UI Starts Here
hBlendIn = fb.FBLabel()
nBlendIn = fb.FBEditNumber()
bBlendIn = fb.FBButton()
hBlendOut = fb.FBLabel()
nBlendOut = fb.FBEditNumber()
bBlendOut = fb.FBButton()
hStart = fb.FBLabel()
nStart = fb.FBEditNumber()
bStart = fb.FBButton()
hEnd = fb.FBLabel()
nEnd = fb.FBEditNumber()
bEnd = fb.FBButton()
hRef = fb.FBLabel()
nRef = fb.FBEditNumber()
bRef = fb.FBButton()
bTR = fb.FBButton()
bTrans = fb.FBButton()
bTX = fb.FBButton()
bTY = fb.FBButton()
bTZ = fb.FBButton()
bRot = fb.FBButton()
bRX = fb.FBButton()
bRY = fb.FBButton()
bRZ = fb.FBButton()
bStopSliding = fb.FBButton()
##Get Current Frame For Blend In Time
def bBlendInCallBack(control, event):
CurrentFrame = GetCurrentFrame()
nBlendIn.Value = CurrentFrame
##Get Current Frame For Blend Out Time
def bBlendOutCallBack(control, event):
CurrentFrame = GetCurrentFrame()
nBlendOut.Value = CurrentFrame
##Get Current Frame For Start Time
def bStartCallBack(control, event):
CurrentFrame = GetCurrentFrame()
nStart.Value = CurrentFrame
##Get Current Frame For End Time
def bBlendEndCallBack(control, event):
CurrentFrame = GetCurrentFrame()
nEnd.Value = CurrentFrame
##Get Current Frame For Reference Pose Time
def bBlendRefCallBack(control, event):
CurrentFrame = GetCurrentFrame()
nRef.Value = CurrentFrame
##Match Translation and Rotation Transforms
def bTRCallBack(control, event):
if bTR.State == 1:
bTrans.Enabled = bTX.Enabled = bTY.Enabled = bTZ.Enabled = bRot.Enabled = bRX.Enabled = bRY.Enabled = bRZ.Enabled = False
bTrans.State = bTX.State = bTY.State = bTZ.State = bRot.State = bRX.State = bRY.State = bRZ.State = False
bTrans.Enabled = bTX.Enabled = bTY.Enabled = bTZ.Enabled = bRot.Enabled = bRX.Enabled = bRY.Enabled = bRZ.Enabled = True
bTrans.State = bTX.State = bTY.State = bTZ.State = True
##Match Translation Transforms
def bTransCallBack(control, event):
if bTrans.State == 0:
bTX.State = bTY.State = bTZ.State = 0
bTX.State = bTY.State = bTZ.State = 1
##Match Rotation Transforms
def bRotCallBack(control, event):
if bRot.State == 0:
bRX.State = bRY.State = bRZ.State = 0
bRX.State = bRY.State = bRZ.State = 1
##Stop Sliding
def bStopSlidingCallBack(control, event):
##Check That There Is No Conflicts Between Inputs Blend In Frame, Start Frame, End Frame and Blend Out Frame
Process = FrameCheck()
if Process == True:
if bTR.State != 1 and bTrans.State != 1 and bRot.State != 1:
fb.FBMessageBox( "Transform Match Error", "Please Select Which Transforms To Match", "OK" )
##Get Users Frame They Were On When Executing The Stop Sliding Button
OrgFrame = GetCurrentFrame()
##Get Layer Count So We Can Later Compare
lOrgLayCount = GetLayerCount()
##If The User Has An Object Selected Create A New Layer Named After That Object And The Frames Inputed
##Fail Safe To See If The Layer Was Created
lCurLayCount = GetLayerCount()
##If All Is Good
if lCurLayCount > lOrgLayCount:
##If Stop Sliding Layer Was Not Able To Be Created
fb.FBMessageBox( "Could Not Process", "Please Ensure That A Foot Was Selected And Try Again", "OK" )
fb.FBMessageBox( "Could Not Process", "Please Check The Frames You Have Inputed", "OK" )
def PopulateTool(t):
#populate regions here
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(5,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(10,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(105,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(15,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("hBlendIn","hBlendIn", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("hBlendIn", hBlendIn)
hBlendIn.Visible = True
hBlendIn.ReadOnly = False
hBlendIn.Enabled = True
hBlendIn.Hint = ""
hBlendIn.Caption = "Blend In Frame"
hBlendIn.Style = fb.FBTextStyle.kFBTextStyleNone
hBlendIn.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
hBlendIn.WordWrap = False
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(5,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(25,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(75,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("nBlendIn","nBlendIn", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("nBlendIn", nBlendIn)
nBlendIn.Visible = True
nBlendIn.ReadOnly = False
nBlendIn.Enabled = True
nBlendIn.Hint = ""
nBlendIn.Value = 0.000000
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(80,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(25,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bBlendIn","bBlendIn", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bBlendIn", bBlendIn)
bBlendIn.Visible = True
bBlendIn.ReadOnly = False
bBlendIn.Enabled = True
bBlendIn.Hint = "Use Current Frame"
bBlendIn.Caption = "{]"
bBlendIn.State = 0
bBlendIn.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBPushButton
bBlendIn.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
bBlendIn.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(145,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(10,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(105,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(15,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("hBlendOut","hBlendOut", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("hBlendOut", hBlendOut)
hBlendOut.Visible = True
hBlendOut.ReadOnly = False
hBlendOut.Enabled = True
hBlendOut.Hint = ""
hBlendOut.Caption = "Blend Out Frame"
hBlendOut.Style = fb.FBTextStyle.kFBTextStyleNone
hBlendOut.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
hBlendOut.WordWrap = False
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(145,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(25,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(75,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("nBlendOut","nBlendOut", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("nBlendOut", nBlendOut)
nBlendOut.Visible = True
nBlendOut.ReadOnly = False
nBlendOut.Enabled = True
nBlendOut.Hint = ""
nBlendOut.Value = 0.000000
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(220,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(25,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bBlendOut","bBlendOut", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bBlendOut", bBlendOut)
bBlendOut.Visible = True
bBlendOut.ReadOnly = False
bBlendOut.Enabled = True
bBlendOut.Hint = "Use Current Frame"
bBlendOut.Caption = "{]"
bBlendOut.State = 0
bBlendOut.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBPushButton
bBlendOut.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
bBlendOut.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(5,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(65,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(105,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(15,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("hStart","hStart", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("hStart", hStart)
hStart.Visible = True
hStart.ReadOnly = False
hStart.Enabled = True
hStart.Hint = ""
hStart.Caption = "Start Frame"
hStart.Style = fb.FBTextStyle.kFBTextStyleNone
hStart.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
hStart.WordWrap = False
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(5,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(80,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(75,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("nStart","nStart", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("nStart", nStart)
nStart.Visible = True
nStart.ReadOnly = False
nStart.Enabled = True
nStart.Hint = ""
nStart.Value = 0.000000
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(80,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(80,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bStart","bStart", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bStart", bStart)
bStart.Visible = True
bStart.ReadOnly = False
bStart.Enabled = True
bStart.Hint = "Use Current Frame"
bStart.Caption = "{]"
bStart.State = 0
bStart.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBPushButton
bStart.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
bStart.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(145,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(65,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(105,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(15,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("hEnd","hEnd", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("hEnd", hEnd)
hEnd.Visible = True
hEnd.ReadOnly = False
hEnd.Enabled = True
hEnd.Hint = ""
hEnd.Caption = "End Frame"
hEnd.Style = fb.FBTextStyle.kFBTextStyleNone
hEnd.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
hEnd.WordWrap = False
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(145,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(80,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(75,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("nEnd","nEnd", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("nEnd", nEnd)
nEnd.Visible = True
nEnd.ReadOnly = False
nEnd.Enabled = True
nEnd.Hint = ""
nEnd.Value = 0.000000
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(220,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(80,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bEnd","bEnd", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bEnd", bEnd)
bEnd.Visible = True
bEnd.ReadOnly = False
bEnd.Enabled = True
bEnd.Hint = "Use Current Frame"
bEnd.Caption = "{]"
bEnd.State = 0
bEnd.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBPushButton
bEnd.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
bEnd.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(75,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(120,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(105,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(15,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("hRef","hRef", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("hRef", hRef)
hRef.Visible = True
hRef.ReadOnly = False
hRef.Enabled = True
hRef.Hint = ""
hRef.Caption = "Reference Frame"
hRef.Style = fb.FBTextStyle.kFBTextStyleBold
hRef.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
hRef.WordWrap = False
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(75,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(135,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(75,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("nRef","nRef", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("nRef", nRef)
nRef.Visible = True
nRef.ReadOnly = False
nRef.Enabled = True
nRef.Hint = ""
nRef.Value = 0.000000
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(150,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(135,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bRef","bRef", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bRef", bRef)
bRef.Visible = True
bRef.ReadOnly = False
bRef.Enabled = True
bRef.Hint = "Use Current Frame"
bRef.Caption = "{]"
bRef.State = 0
bRef.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBPushButton
bRef.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
bRef.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(5,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(185,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(40,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(25,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bTR","bTR", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bTR", bTR)
bTR.Visible = True
bTR.ReadOnly = False
bTR.Enabled = True
bTR.Hint = "Affect Translation And Rotation"
bTR.Caption = "TR"
bTR.State = 0
bTR.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBCheckbox
bTR.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyLeft
bTR.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(60,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(185,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(90,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(25,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bTrans","bTrans", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bTrans", bTrans)
bTrans.Visible = True
bTrans.ReadOnly = False
bTrans.Enabled = True
bTrans.Hint = "Affect Translation"
bTrans.Caption = "Translation"
bTrans.State = 1
bTrans.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBCheckbox
bTrans.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyLeft
bTrans.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(60,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(210,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bTX","bTX", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bTX", bTX)
bTX.Visible = True
bTX.ReadOnly = False
bTX.Enabled = True
bTX.Hint = ""
bTX.Caption = "X"
bTX.State = 1
bTX.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBCheckbox
bTX.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyLeft
bTX.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(90,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(210,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bTY","bTY", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bTY", bTY)
bTY.Visible = True
bTY.ReadOnly = False
bTY.Enabled = True
bTY.Hint = ""
bTY.Caption = "Y"
bTY.State = 1
bTY.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBCheckbox
bTY.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyLeft
bTY.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(120,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(210,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bTZ","bTZ", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bTZ", bTZ)
bTZ.Visible = True
bTZ.ReadOnly = False
bTZ.Enabled = True
bTZ.Hint = ""
bTZ.Caption = "Z"
bTZ.State = 1
bTZ.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBCheckbox
bTZ.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyLeft
bTZ.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(160,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(185,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(90,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(25,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bRot","bRot", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bRot", bRot)
bRot.Visible = True
bRot.ReadOnly = False
bRot.Enabled = True
bRot.Hint = ""
bRot.Caption = "Rotation"
bRot.State = 0
bRot.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBCheckbox
bRot.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyLeft
bRot.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(160,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(210,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bRX","bRX", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bRX", bRX)
bRX.Visible = True
bRX.ReadOnly = False
bRX.Enabled = True
bRX.Hint = ""
bRX.Caption = "X"
bRX.State = 0
bRX.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBCheckbox
bRX.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyLeft
bRX.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(190,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(210,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bRY","bRY", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bRY", bRY)
bRY.Visible = True
bRY.ReadOnly = False
bRY.Enabled = True
bRY.Hint = ""
bRY.Caption = "Y"
bRY.State = 0
bRY.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBCheckbox
bRY.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyLeft
bRY.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(220,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(210,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(30,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bRZ","bRZ", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bRZ", bRZ)
bRZ.Visible = True
bRZ.ReadOnly = False
bRZ.Enabled = True
bRZ.Hint = ""
bRZ.Caption = "Z"
bRZ.State = 0
bRZ.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBCheckbox
bRZ.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyLeft
bRZ.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
x = fb.FBAddRegionParam(0,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
y = fb.FBAddRegionParam(270,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
w = fb.FBAddRegionParam(255,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
h = fb.FBAddRegionParam(50,fb.FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone,"")
t.AddRegion("bStopSliding","bStopSliding", x, y, w, h)
t.SetControl("bStopSliding", bStopSliding)
bStopSliding.Visible = True
bStopSliding.ReadOnly = False
bStopSliding.Enabled = True
bStopSliding.Hint = ""
bStopSliding.Caption = "Stop Sliding"
bStopSliding.State = 0
bStopSliding.Style = fb.FBButtonStyle.kFBPushButton
bStopSliding.Justify = fb.FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
bStopSliding.Look = fb.FBButtonLook.kFBLookNormal
def CreateTool():
t = fba.FBCreateUniqueTool("Stop Foot Sliding v1.0")
t.StartSizeX = 270
t.StartSizeY = 370
I know you can create Effectors to lock down feet or use the "Copy Next/Previous Key On Selected IK Object", but this was really fun to create and see it come about. I hope you enjoy learning from the script and as always, I hope this helps.
Hello, is there a chance that your magnificent script working in MB 2020?
I have yet to get a copy of 2020 so I don’t know. Give it a try and see, worst case scenario you will have errors within the Python Window when trying to use the script.
When I find some time I will make sure it works with 2019.
If you do try it, let me know if it works AND if there are errors, do a screen grab of the Python Window and send it my way so I can make it a priority to get a version of 2020 to apply the fixes.
Thanks Ale.
I made some updates to get it working on MoBu 2018 if that’s any help?
I made some updates to get it working on MoBu 2018 if that’s any help?
Andy HH brought up the problems with 2018 :
‘The only difference between to last release and this one is that I removed an FBContainer, which was just a visual element and had no functional baring on the tool. The attribute FBContainer is no longer supported in MotionBuilder 2018, The new version is FBVisualContainer().
StopFootSliding v1.0 was giving this error in MotionBuilder 2018:
“cInfo = fb.FBContainer() AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘FBContainer’”.’
I have a link to the 2018 fix at the top of the page in the “Update” section, you can dl the updated link here:
I may have to update the youtube link, sorry for any inconvenience BUT I hope you had fun learning to debug your version. 🙂
Hey – I checked and your updated script works! Perfectly. Thanks again for the elegant time-saver script!
Does the 2018 up work with 2020?
My most up to date version is 2019 and I have yet to check the release notes to see if they changed any of thing on the pyfbsdk side
It seems not working every time but possibly MB has some bugs OR I’ve made mistakes. I’ll try it with several different effectors and skeleton sources. At the moment I have issues with “shaky” feet; but whereas it is a mocap from Mixamo (and I found some other people had problems with that mocap files), maybe that could be a source of the problem.
I get the same issue with the script. It works fine in motionbuilder 2020, but only the first time on each foot. When I try to add another time frame where the foot should be still, the script does nothing. Awesome script, but unfortunate it doesn’t work for v2020.
I’ve been using Neill3Ds “stayonfloor 2013” script, updated by Brad Clark. It seems to work fine. But lacks the extra fine tuning you have.
I will have to see if I can get access to 2020 or if you have time could you see if there are errors in the python console window? some error must come up which is why the tools only works once (or at least in part), it crashes and then would have to be restarted to work again.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, i will investigate.
It works!
I wanted to see in the console, what kind of errors there were, so i could post them here.
But instead of errors, everything worked as intended this time. Maybe it was just a restart of Motionbuilder that was needed or something else – i don’t know.
But it seems to work perfectly. 🙂
I’ll check the console as well, thank YOU for your efforts on this
Again not working for me, and there are no errors in Python editor. Don’t know what is going on.
OH – Ik blend needs to be at 100, not 0 – my mistake, seems working!
Thanks for that incredible plugin ! Works perfect in MB 2020
works with hands? I’m putting my hands on the ground
yes, iot should work with hands.
Hi, here’s the error I got using this in MoBu 2020, where the script only seems to work the first time I apply it to a foot:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:/Users/REDACED/Desktop/”, line 217, in bStopSlidingCallBack
File “C:/Users/REDACTED/Desktop/”, line 56, in CreateLayer
fb.FBSystem().CurrentTake.GetLayer(lCount-1).Name = SelObj + ” ” + str( int(nStart.Value) ) + “-” + str( int(nEnd.Value) )
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘NoneType’ and ‘str’
This script is incredibly useful, in the one time I’ve gotten it to work! So it would be amazing if this could be sorted out.
I will look into this as soon as I get some time – I can email you the script to help me test. Thanks
Did you ever get a chance to work on your script for newer versions of Motionbuilder?
I just updated the script for you. It should work just fine with Mobu. It was a quick fix and I updated the post as well as the files in the DL link.